Tuesday, November 29, 2016

A Person Sitting In the Dark Am I

sitting in dark am I

in these shadows
grown by the moon
whose dull light
robbed each tree
of green
and sky of blue
only to shine the merest points
at this earth
to tumble from broken mirrors

what a strange existence live I

among the murmuring lost,

a path along the stream
spirits deflect futures
at a fleeting touch
afloat in currents
formed nowhere.

a conversation began
now or then
with whom or them
how long ago
it happened again
and again we spoke
and spoke
against our walk
our steps
on ancient streets
of a river
where memory,
thrown unheeded,
by happy dead
who smile
and laugh
and work
and trod,
their eyes, oblivious
to this color washing cities,
sometimes stare,
you at me or me at you,
with lives
full of watchful anger,
or envy,
or bland joy
wrapped around,
of tears, streams, washed sullen
from faces

who now so live .. or not

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