Friday, February 20, 2009

My Card

Photo: Diego Fernandes 2009

I know you’ve heard the system,
The Big System is failing,
Some banker messed up.

I keep getting notices, letters,
From the bank, my bank, about
Breaches in security.

They ask me if I want
A new card, an unbroken card,
An unbreached card.

They tell me they can solve
The Problem of Security
Giving me a new card.

I went, I bought, I played
The old card is brand new.
The new card’s on its way.

A new card from the zombies
Walking the dead walk
Up and down Wall Street.

Are you ready?
The system is failing,
Or so I hear.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

EXCELLENT! It captures that somewhat frightening, what the hell is next feeling - that, "Wellit hasn't *actually* ruined me personally, yet... but will it??" feeling that seems to encroach. Very nice.