we start our dance and so we start. Our dance so started and it stops. It then
stopped. What stopped was once started. So what started and stopped was dance. And
it was our dance. And our dance it was. It stopped. It stopped before it finished
and the stop was the end. The end was not the finish. So the finish was the end
that cannot be seen. Now the finish is after the end. So the finish is
after. Then there is a photograph, a
picture of us. And it is a photograph before and when and the end but not the
finish. After our dance started it stopped and it did not start again and it
did not finish. And what started and stopped was a dance.
body parts stopped in a photograph, is a photo. A photograph of naked bodies
stopped so no part can move. These two naked bodies stopped in a photo once
moved. This is a photograph. And it is not a dance for it is stopped and a
stopped dance is not dance, it is stopped and it is a photograph. If dance
stops it is not dance. It is a pose. Poses from dance are stopped. A photograph
of a pose is a photograph and now it is not a pose. Dance is moments and this
moment is not a pose and is not a dance. This moment was caught as light and
dark shows. Dark is caught and is showing light. A camera is a mechanism to catch
light, a light catching mechanism, and a mechanism, a machine can catch light and
it is a light catching mechanism and it catches light. It is a camera. So light
caught by a mechanism is not mechanical. It is a photograph and not light.
stopped is not dance and light caught is not dance. A camera is not motion and
is not dance. Dance is stillness carried. Dance is motion and a body in light. A camera
is not motion, so it is not dance. They are not light. Light is not dance. A
body is not dance and dance is not light. So they were caught. And a camera
caught light and motion is caught and is not dance. So there is a floor.
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