Tuesday, January 31, 2017

It's All Pretend

Let’s all pretend.
Pretend competence,
what difference
         can pretense make?.
Speak with a voice
         sane with reason,
god is dead.
         Scream insistently
at no one in particular,
         everything is god,
nothing is divine.
         Ancient nature
honors no favorite;
         is fire burning comfort,
or simple destruction?
         Let’s all pretend
to live in fear
         because life goes on.
Or feel delight
         because life ends.
Anger floods you
         because you have power.
Anger fills hearts
         because power eludes us.
You curse an ugliness
         someone finds beautiful.
You are shocked when friends
         look on that
which is your beauty
         as ugly.

Let’s all pretend
         that which wears away bone
became dust,
         and you teach
that as permanent.
         That dust, scattered amongst stars,
across an entire universe
         where you tell your lies,
 you pretend is truth.
         It’s all pretend.

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